Friday, April 24, 2009

Material Girl

When it comes to school theme days I'm a humbug. Who has time for such things? But I confess when Riley's school announced 80's day I was super excited. I actually put some thought into it and dare I say... went all out! My first thought was for Riley to dress like her mommy used to back in those days. That would require ripped jeans and a Metallica T-shirt. (Yes, I was one of those) But I had parted with those t-shirts years ago. So I opted for the Madonna look instead, which she already had stuff in her dress-up box.

While I was helping her get ready she kept saying, "I look so old-fashioned!" Great. I explained to her that it was only 20 years ago, not THAT long. She said, "Yeah, but you didn't even have cell phones then. It's soooo old fashioned." Who was I trying to convince, her or me?

Thursday, April 9, 2009


The other day Sunder dashes up to me saying, "Baboon! Baboon!"

"What? Where?" (me looking around stupidly, as if we'll see one of these creatures in our home)
This persists for a few minutes and I finally admit defeat. I have no clue what she is talking about. Finally I get enough sense to hold out my hand and say, "Show me."

Sunder happily but urgently leads me into the bathroom and points at the toilet. I stare blankly for a good 20 seconds. Baboon? Finally I get it. Bathroom! She is saying "bathroom"! Not only than, but she is telling me she needs to go. Hooray! Oh how I love baboons!!