Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Birthday Reflections

Well, today was Sunder's birthday. I am mostly beyond emotions at this point. There is a constant nervousness in my stomach and I'm working to keep my immune system up. Time is crawling now and we just want to get on with it. However, there is still much to do- buying gifts for the Chinese officials, a couple runs to the bank, final laundry loads, and finishing one last project for my business.

I can't begin to understand how next year at this time will be. She'll be turning 3 and nearly a year will have passed since she joined us. We'll have spent holidays and countless experiences together. We will know her personality well by then and will finally understand in hindsight the miracle of how/why things worked out the way they did. The wait and nerves will be a distant memory and I'll be drowning in day-to-day life once again. Knowing me, my spirit will be stirring and I will once again be looking for life's next adventure (and, NO, it won't be another adoption :) )

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