Saturday, July 12, 2008

I'm not Superstitious (well maybe a little)

Everyone in the China adoption community is familiar with the idea of the "RED THREAD". For those of you not familiar with it, the Red Thread is a Chinese idea that:

"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance.The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break."

so this idea is very popular with adoptive families.

Anyway, yesterday I was taking the girls' carseats to our friends house who is going to be picking us up from the airport when we return from China. On the way, Riley announced, "Hey mom, I found something on Sunder's carseat." Lo and behold is was a long Red Thread, literally! It gave me a little shiver for sure!

Our travelmates (aka My Parents) are arriving today and we leave TOMORROW. Wooo Hooo! I still feel totally calm for some reason. Typically I get nervous about even the stupidest thing, but for some reason I feel peaceful for now.

Riley is very excited. All yesterday she kept saying, "I am so excited for tomorrow and REALLY excited for the day after that!" Many have asked if Riley is coming with us. Yes, she is. Riley is a great traveler. In fact, I expect her to do better on the flight than me. I asked her if she is excited about the 16 hour flight and she said YES! We'll see if she's still saying that in the 9th hour or so.

1 comment:

tiffany said...

Have a wonderful trip to that sweet girl! I will be anxiously following along and cheering you all on. :)