Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Final Countdown

T-minus 10 and counting. Airline tickets are booked. Hotel is booked. Ride to airport is booked (still working on the ride home). House-watcher is booked. It's really happening. It's quite bizarre to wait so long for something and finally realize it's just around the corner. I love entertaining these weird thoughts like, "One month from now we'll have just gotten back!" or "One week from now we'll be leaving in 3 days!" The preparations are coming along great.

Bedroom is mostly ready. Still need something for the bare walls though.

Packing is well underway

I also want to mention that I am a cleaning mad-woman. It is one of the greatest side effects of nesting. Scrub-brush in hand... I cannot be stopped. Too bad I'll be on the other side of the planet, and not able to actually enjoy the clean house. I know once we return it will last about 8 seconds.


Paulette said...

I can relate. I was sweeping and had stuff in my hands that needed to be backed all at the same time. I just love to think about how life will change is just 13 days. See you in China : )

Maia said...

You're so close! I know, the nesting thing is great - good thing it kicks in, because I am not a natural housecleaner. I must say, it is nice to have a clean and organized house!

We're leaving the 22nd, so we're right behind you!!